play in production:
new work
Radio Segments Produced
Fossil Fuel Resistance Stories
Eye of the Needle: Women's Stories of Homelessness, Life, Death, and Resistance
Book 2, Published 2011
Play Adapted from Book 2
Poetry Chapbook Manuscript
Book 1-- Published 1999
The Thin Green Line is People
Native American Lit via Canoe
Inter-Campus Organizing
Salvage Art
Recent Personal Favorites
Desiree Hellegers is a university professor, oral historian, poet, playwright, member/producer with the Old Mole Variety Hour Collective on KBOO Radio in Portland, Oregon, and contributor to
A brief and privileged experience of houselessness as an undergrad and working outside academia–as a bartender, taxi driver, janitor, cook, office temp, caregiver, motel maid, detox driver and live-in shelter worker–shapes their work as a teacher and scholar/writer. Their first job out of university was as a Jesuit Volunteer on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. They were fired.
Hellegers has taught for nearly thirty years in the English Department at Washington State University Vancouver classes ranging from Shakespeare through a postcolonial/ecofeminist/climate justice lens, to Creative Writing (poetry, creative nonfiction), to Native Literature co-taught with Chinook Tribal Chair Tony Johnson–in a fifteen foot tribal canoe on the Columbia River. They designed the course in consultation with their frequent collaborator Lakota-Cheyenne activist/organizer/researcher Roben White.
They are a founding co-director–with Noel Sturgeon–of WSU's Collective for Social and Environmental Justice (CSEJ), which is celebrating its 20th year in 2022. CSEJ coordinates/d public events, talks and conferences, and for years offered a certificate in Social and Environmental Etudies and will again soon.
Hellegers and White co-conceived The Thin Green Line is People History Project, and collaborate on the archive with WSU alum Derya Ruggles, actor, and playwright.
More information on Hellegers' work can be found here.
Degrees: B.A., Georgetown University
M.A./Ph.D., University of Washington
Visiting Fellow, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University ('91-2)
Books: No Room of Her Own: Women's Stories of Homelessness, Life, Death, and Resistance (Palgrave 2011)
Handmaid to Divinity: Natural Philosophy, Poetry and Gender in Seventeenth England (2000)
Dumbo Elegies (draft chapbook)